Welcome to Scotia.systems!
Hi! It’s Neil here and welcome to my personal site on all things engineering, technical, electrical, computing etc…
Over the years I’ve amassed a lot of pictures of projects I’ve been working on and decided to publish them here on this site. I have a lot of hobbies and my projects range from
- Custom computer building
- MIG Welding
- Furniture design and building
- Automotive repair and maintenance
- Robotics and electrical
- DIY house projects (living room, shower room, kitchen, gardens)
- Warhammer 40k collecting and painting
- Lego building
the list goes on and on. Anything I feel is interesting enough will probably end up in a gallery on here. I’m always working on something new so keep an eye on the left side “Project Galleries” section for updates.
When I’m not physically building things I tend to be at my computer, I’m big into Linux and have been for the past 20+ years. I enjoy trying and testing new distributions and desktops, currently I run Archlinux on my desktop machines and Debian on the servers. I mostly use i3-gaps tiling window mananger and also XFCE as desktop envirnoments. I run a few servers one of which hosts this website using nginx as well as postfix, dovecot for SMTP/IMAP and Bind for DNS. I’m not into programming as much as I was when I was studying for my degree but I still dabble in Python / C / and various shell scripting languages.
As I said above I have a lot of hobbies and my other main likes are building my tool collection, collecting Magic the Gathering sets, collecting Blu-rays and CD’s. I also have a keen interest in Bitcoin and the whole decentralized finance system.
I’m also mainly a PC Gamer and enjoy gaming but seem to have very little time for it these days. Steam is where 99% of my gaming library resides and my Steam FC can be found under the Information section.