This is a list of my Completed Magic the Gathering set collection. So far I’ve accumulated 25 complete sets.
- Hour of Devastation
- Amonkhet
- Aether Revolt
- Kaladesh
- Eldritch Moon
- Shadows over Innistrad
- Oath of the Gatewatch
- Battle for Zendikar
- Magic Origins
- Journey into Nyx
- Born of the Gods
- Theros
- Unstable
- 2015 Core Set (M15)
- Ixalan
- 2019 Core Set (M19)
- War of the Spark
- Throne of Eldraine
- Magic 2014
- Dominaria
- Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths
- Core 2021
- Strixhaven: School of Mages
- D&D: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
- Innistrad: Midnight Hunt
Here is a list of on-going almost complete sets.
- Modern Masters 2017
- Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty